Bad Subtitles Do Not Spark Joy

A few months ago, I borrowed the Marie Kondo book, Tidying Up, from the online library, after hearing so much about it. There was a long wait for the book, so lots of other people must have heard about it too. And now she has a Netflix series too, and last week’s deep freeze was the perfect time to stay indoors and watch it. The content was fun, but the subtitles weren’t!

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Keeping Track of Your Ideas

January is a great time to try something new – for yourself and your business. It’s the start of a new year, and you’re probably finishing up a fiscal year, and reviewing last year’s results. Even if things are going well, it’s good to inject some fresh ideas into your business plan. Are you trying any new ideas this year?

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Seeing Things in Black and White

When was the last time that you took a black and white photo? My first camera, way back in the dark ages, was black and white, but I’ve taken colour film and digital photos since then. This week’s photo challenge took me back to the past, thinking about black and white photos, and computers too!

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Show Who You Are

Ten years ago, on January 4, 2009, I registered the domain, to “claim my name” online.  I figured that if anyone searched for my name in Google, my domain might be listed near the top of the results. Then, if people landed here, I could direct them to my other sites, like Contextures. Have you got a domain with your name?

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How to Stop iPhone Photo Videos

Last month I got a new iPhone, and as promised, it takes high-quality photos. However, when I downloaded my first batch of photos, it was surprising to see that there were lots of video files too. Here’s what caused that, and how to stop iPhone photo videos. If you’re in a hurry, scroll to the end, to see the steps.

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