Creating Lists in Twitter

Funny. Only a day after I mentioned TweetDeck, and its Group feature, Twitter launched its new Lists feature.


Now I can create lists, such as Excel and Microsoft, and include the people who I follow into one or more of those lists.

Even better than TweetDeck groups, you can make your Twitter lists public or private.


If another user adds you to one of their public lists, you’ll see that in your Lists screen. It’s an easy way to see a few more people with similar interests, without following hundreds more people.

So far, it looks like a useful feature.


Cut Through the Twitter Clatter

Some Twitter users follow thousands of people, and join in hundreds of conversations every day.

I follow just over 100 people (actually 123 – I like that number). Some of them are chatty, and others rarely post.

Even with that small number of people to follow, it’s hard to keep track of things. You can only see about 20 tweets on the front page when you log in, and that’s about all that I have the energy to read. So if something’s moved off the front page before I log in, it’s unlikely that I’ll ever see it.

A while ago I downloaded TweetDeck, and have been using it to read and post things in Twitter. You can create groups, so it’s easy to follow the people you’re most interested in, and skim through the other posts.

I highly recommend it. And no, this isn’t a snapshot of my TweetDeck. It’s from the download site.

