Online Tool To Help Publish VBA Code

On the Contextures website, I’ve got many pages with sample VBA code for Excel. When I feel ambitious, I colour the code before I publish it, using green for the comments, and blue for the keywords.

For example, here’s some sample code from my Excel Comments Programming page.


Free Conversion Tool

However, formatting the code takes quite a bit of time and effort, so I don’t do it for all the pages.

With the zHTML conversion tool, it will be much easier to post nicely formatted VBA code. It’s available as a free download, or as a free online tool.

Paste in your VBA code, click a button, copy the HTML code, and paste it into your website or blog.


Excel Giveaways 20091021

I’ve just announced the Very Scary Fall Giveaway for Excel Nerds on my Contextures Blog. Lots of great Excel utilities, books and ebooks to give away, thanks to my generous Excel friends:

Ken Puls has also announced an Excel giveaway today, for WinAutomation licences. You can read the details in his blog article: WinAutomation